Access your online results
Access and download the results from:
Results will be released based on the turn-around-time of test availed.
Claim your hard copy results
For pick-up of hard copy results (and certification if applicable), bring the following:
If patient will personally claim results:
Valid ID
Official Receipt
If an authorized representative will claim results:
Authorization letter signed by the patient
Official Receipt
Valid ID of Patient
Valid ID of Authorized Person
For RT-PCR test, visit https://onlineforms.hi-precision.com.ph to fill out the Case Investigation Form (CIF) online.
For antigen rapid test, a hard copy CIF will be provided
on site.
Wear your face mask on the day of your visit and bring
a valid ID with picture.​
For Airline passengers, make sure to double check the
COVID-19 guidelines of your destination. Bring a copy of your passport and provide us with your complete flight details (Flight Date & Time, Flight Number and Country of Destination).
Book a Home Service Appointment for
Email: dmhs.swabsched@hi-precision.com.ph or call our hotline at 8741 7777 (for Metro Manila) to book a home service appointment.